Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dis-course 3: Atheism for Lent

Last night I stayed up again for the third in Pete's webinar series, "Atheism for Lent." This is the Dis-course that I'm most interested in and I'm hoping to create an Atheism for Lent Course for Journey, my church here in Birmingham. Pete's already put up the videos for this session, so enjoy.

5. Discourses Theory 3 from Peter Rollins on Vimeo.

6. Atheism for Lent from Peter Rollins on Vimeo.

I'll post more about my attempts to run this kind of a (dis)Course as the next few weeks go by - Lent isn't THAT far away! I ordered Merold Westphal's Suspicion and Faith: Religious Uses of Modern Atheism, which ikon used in their Atheism for Lent courses, but I suspect that a reading a day will be too much. Perhaps I'll end up distilling Freud, Marx and Nietzsche (the critics of religion introduced in Westphal's book) into weekly rather than daily readings. It'll also be a good chance to disseminate some of my own research, particularly as I can shape the course to build towards a/theism.

Pete also mentioned in this seminar the idea of running a competition to win him. Here's some info about this from his blog:

My hope in running these free on-line seminars is that they might encourage a few brave souls to take the ideas and turn them into flesh. But it is not right for me to sit in the comfort of my home and speak from the safety of my computer. I need to stop being lazy and get on the road. So for starters I would like to run a competition,

Are you willing to run a Last Supper, Evangelism Project, Atheism for Lent, Omega Course or something else based upon the ideas that feed these groups?

Do you have a group of people who want to be involved (ten or more)?

Are you willing to run at least two events between now and 31st March?

Do you live in the US, Canada, UK or Ireland?

If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’ then you get the chance to win me for a day. I will fly out and spend the day with you to consult with your group and help you work out how to develop your project. I will cover the expenses so it won’t cost you a cent (unless you want to buy me a Guinness).

Once you have run two events message me via facebook with details of what you did, how it went and how many showed up. Then, on the 31st March I will put all the entries into a hat and pick a winner.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Dis-course 1: The Last Supper - Let us Prey

Although I was too drunk at my graduation ceremony last month to attend the first in Pete Rollins' series of live web seminars, "Dis-courses," last night I slept in the living room (to avoid waking my partner) and set my alarm for 1am GMT to watch the second one, which kicked off at 8pm EST. Thankfully, I could catch up, as Pete put up a slideshow and audio from "Dis-course 1: The Last Supper - Let us Prey" on his blog yesterday. Here it is. I'll put up "Dis-course 2: The Evangelism Project" when Pete does.

The Last Supper from Peter Rollins on Vimeo.